

1) I agree & understand that I am voluntarily participating in classes/events with reboot body mind, either on premises, virtually, or remotely. In any physical activity, risk of serious physical injury is possible. Yoga is no substitute for medical diagnosis and treatment. I am aware of the physical risks involved with strenuous exercise and understand that it is my personal responsibility to consult with my doctor regarding my participation. I attest that I have no medical condition which would prevent me from taking part in yoga classes or workshops, and I assume responsibility for any risk or injury I may sustain as a result of my participation. I accept that the instructor, business, or hosting facility is not liable for any injury death or damages to person or property resulting from my participation in classes/events with reboot body mind or accessing facilities. 

2) I acknowledge and agree that any photos or videos taken during reboot body mind activities may be used for marketing purposes, with or without identifying factors. To exclude myself from the use of my image, I agree to notify reboot body mind by email to this effect. 

3) I have read and fully understand and agree to the above terms of this Liability Waiver Agreement. I am signing this agreement voluntarily and recognize that my signature serves as complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law in the Boston, Massachusetts.
